Wednesday, May 5, 2010

About Jenny

Hello Internet.
We are just getting this blog off the ground, so we thought it will be appropriate for us to introduce ourselves. I don’ really like to talk about me, so I’ll tell u about Jenny.
Oh Jenny, where should I start?
Well, some would say that Jenny is a born cynic with a dark look upon mankind, a sarcastic sense of humor, an annoying need to be right, and with the ability to find something wrong in everything (except me). Oh yea, and she also thinks she’s an independent woman.
Nevertheless, she is a great person with numerous hobbies and with a vast range of dreams and goals. She likes to plan everything ahead of time, and take action when needed, although she is quite shy. I’m happy to be part of these plans, and hopefully, I will be for some time to come.
Oh yes, I mentioned she has a great number of hobbies. I’m not going to give you a list, just want to point out her biggest hobby. Reading!
Reading is one of Jenny’s great pleasures. She read over 400 books so far, and she is more than capable to dissect each one of them in order to show others what makes reading so great.
She hates Jessica Alba, whiskey, dogs; loves flowers, hello kitty, and sprinkles (because everything is better with sprinkles).


Anonymous said...

i understand that you hate Jesica Alba, surely you have your personnal reason, but what you got against the dogs, their are just simple animals, just let them be.Anyway both of you completes each other perfectly.

Jenny said...

I actually like dogs, I like Chow Chow dogs :X:X:X:X: they are so cute and fuzzy and fluffy. But I hate strain dogs that kill little children on the street.

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