Sunday, May 16, 2010

Paranormal activity.....mmyeah....a Jenny view

I love the way people piss their pants when they read at the beginning at a movie: this movies depicts a true story blah blah....
Of course, many have no idea that this is the found footage technique. But it's good to scare the masses isn't it?

Anyway, back to the creepy movie. Before I started seeing it I was told it's very creepy and I'm going to be scared to death. Well, that gave me great expectations. Ofc, I was disappointed. Except for the final phase, when i felt a little tingle on my back, the movie was as boring as watching the birds migrate on a sunny day at the end of summer.
They tried, what can I say, with a budget of 11 000 dollars to make a cute scary movie. Did anyone notice what a sad couple they were? Omg, I think that was the horror part of the movie. Also, her boyfriend was almost retarded with his camera allover the place. Plus, he didn't have any friends, no wonder the entity hated him. He was lame.
Also, who the bleep wants to really know what happens at night by filming themselves with the camera? I mean, I wouldn't. If there's some scary demon thingy in my home, well just let it be and ignore it. It will go away at some point.
Also, does a ghostly demon thingy leave footprints? I guess not. And if it does, it should set off the alarm. Am I right?
I was expecting to be really scared so I guess that's why I couldn't get in the mood. That's the thing with horror movies. For example, The Grudge and The ring kept me awake for 2 months. This was....uhm....lame? Except for the final part. It's a 5 second scene there that really is nice. It was so sterile...idunno.


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