Monday, May 17, 2010

The Savages

I know I should blog about books, but I really don't have much time right now. So, today I felt a little bad and the weather was rainy and I thought I should go buy food that makes me fat and just sit in bed all day watching movies. I only watched one, The Savages. I was a bit reticent at the beginning because the title isn't that great. But the movie is nice. It gave me that warm, fuzzy feeling inside. I almost cried a couple of times. It's also funny sometimes, but don't watch it if you want to watch a comedy because it's more of a drama.
It really made me think about my future a bit and made me consider some changes in my career plans. So, I will say this is a good movie.
Seymour Hoffman does a great job in this movie. I always liked this actor, he's like the hugable, fluffy brother I never had. And the way he portrayed Truman Capote was great.


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